Children practicing yoga in a classroom on a communal carpet area.

Alo Gives — For The Season of Giving & Beyond

Give back to the future leaders of the world

Among a pair of hopalong boots and dolls that will talk, you’d think that mindful movement fails to earn one of the coveted top 10 slots on children’s holiday wish lists, right?

Well, Alo Gives proves otherwise. As 1st grade teacher in Sacramento, California Ms. Hansen gets asked on the daily, “Can we please do Dino Yoga with Andrew today?”

Hearing a 6-year-old crave a mindful movement practice over a tablet, a video game, or an extra five-minutes of recess stands as a testament to yoga’s life-changing impact.

New trucks and dolls lose their “new” factor. Coloring books get colored page to page. Kids grow out of the bikes and scooters. But yoga continues to teach, evolve, and inspire time after time.

While many of us were first inspired by the practice of yoga in our adult lives, Alo Gives aims to introduce the confidence, wellness, and peace found on the mat at a much earlier age.

Alo Gives provides an invaluable gift for children, teens, and ages anywhere in between — a gift that truly keeps on giving.

A young boy practicing yoga behind his desk in a classroom with his classmates.


Alo Yoga’s nonprofit Alo Gives equips children with a fun, inspiring mindful movement practice through free videos designed to be used in the classroom or at home.

Through these wellness-inspired programs and printable worksheets, children learn the skills necessary to calm their minds and bodies, mute negativity, and promote learning. The fan-fave series: animal yoga featuring the “Roaring T-Rex Pose,” commonly known to adult yogis as the very therapeutic “Lion’s Breathe.”

While some days call for flexibility and strength, other days may be best complimented by the “Help Kids Manage Emotions” series that helps empower children in everything they do and reveal the power of empathy with self and others.

If you’re like us at Alo, you’re probably wondering what your health & wellness would look like today if you began these practices when you were 6 years old. While we’re all WIPs on the wellness journey together, we’re passionate about kickstarting this journey for the future leaders of the world at an earlier age.

Andrew Sealy teaching a dino yoga class to children.


Pick a program. Alo Gives features a collection of programs ranging from “Post-Recess Settle Down” to “Yoga for Confident Learning.” Whether your student or child needs to find calm when challenged or gain focus and learn more easily, there’s a program to fit.

Choose a video. Within each program you will find a collection of videos that correspond to the main theme. You can pick and choose as you like or follow the order we’ve outlined.

Get the kids ready and press play. All videos are constructed so children and students can practice at the side of their desk, on the communal carpet, or in the backyard. Simply gather them together, although we don’t think it’ll take much convincing.

Watch the transformation. If you’ve practiced yoga and mindfulness, you know the mindset change that follows. While some days prove harder than others, a consistent practice over a week, a semester, or a year moves mountains in the future lives of these children.

“Kids need to do well in heart, body, and mind before learning can begin. Thank you for sharing these!”


Whether you’re a parent or caregiver of small children, a teacher anywhere in the world, or someone who believes they could’ve benefited from such a platform, join us as we lower the age of when children are first introduced to mindful movement.

Get involved by Instagraming the age when you first did yoga (by writing it on the palm of your hand) to tell people about Alo Gives or post on social media to spread the word with teachers, parents, and everyone in between.

A young boy holding up the palm of his hand with the number 7 written on it to signify the age he was first introduced to yoga.

During the season of shopping, wish lists, and hustle & bustle, there’s no better time to give the gift of wellness with children. Join us as we bring mindfulness and movement to children across the world with Alo Gives.