Andrew Sealy: The Limit-Pusher

Andrew Sealy: The Limit-Pusher

Meet the yogi who's living in the moment & practicing on the edge

It's nearly impossible to leave a conversation with Andrew Sealy without a huge grin plastered across your face. Not only does he embody everything that yoga teaches, but his genuine love for life is contagious (nope, not a coincidence). Between interviewing yogis for his podcast Yoga Revealed, launching his new wellness program, Eat Thrive Yoga, and traveling the world teaching workshops, not to mention living outside of his comfort zone on a regular basis, Andrew has his hands full, but it's clear that he wouldn't have it any other way. We couldn't wait to pick his brain about his practice and all the ways he's bringing yoga to the world. We even snagged his epic signature pancake recipe!

How did you get into yoga?

I have always been interested in studying the depth of the mind and the possibilities of the body, from reading X-Men comic books as a kid to studying Microbiology at Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University). My yoga journey began soon after my formal schooling ended—I worked at a software company called MINDBODY, Inc., and my manager happened to be the best teacher at Bikram Yoga San Luis Obispo. After a soccer injury and weeks of inactivity, a girlfriend convinced me to attend a Bikram class as her guest. I figured it would sound good if I told my manager I finally decided to check out this “Bikram Yoga” thing she had been talking about for so long. After my eye-opening, sweat-dripping, body-wrenching, exhilarating first class, I was hooked! Fast forward eight months later, and I completed my 200-hr yoga teacher training at the SLO Yoga Center and continued my path of holistic health education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

You’re a self-described “connection catalyst.” What does that mean and how does it play into your work?

Having the opportunity to connect is one of the most profound benefits of the human experience. I am a very social being, and I have a lot of friends that are creating absolutely groundbreaking and thought-leading projects worldwide. This gives me the opportunity to connect these friends to bring forth positive expansion into the beauty of creation. As Maya Angelou says, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.”

Since launching your podcast, what moments stand out to you as the most memorable?

One of the most memorable moments was from the launch of Yoga Revealed, when I had the opportunity to interview Maty Ezraty, MC Yogi and DJ Drez all in Oahu after a Wanderlust Festival in Oahu. All three of these interviews were dynamic and diverse, but one of my favorite’s still to this day is the interview we had with Maty Ezraty, the original founder of YogaWorks and a revolutionary yogi who helped bring the practice to the mainstream world.

Regenerate Short

How has hosting this podcast and talking to so many different yogis informed your own yoga practice?

Having deep conversations with embodied practitioners and yoga thought leaders worldwide has allowed me to become more introspective in my own practice and go deeper into what it means to be a "yoga teacher." It has allowed me to bypass injuries, obstacles and wrong turns, but even more profound than that, having insight into their most intimate journeys, I have had the opportunity to explore the connection that yoga brings to us all.

You literally “live on the edge,” often doing inversions on narrow surfaces, at the tips of rocks, and the tops of buildings. What drew you to these experiences?

I feel that our time on earth as individuals in this physical form is limited, therefore we must utilize it to the best of our ability; to press our boundaries and perceptions of what is possible beyond our comforts. For me, handstand-ing at the edge of cliffs is one way to bring myself to the depth of presence—it allows me to realize the harmony of mind, body and spirit. For some this may seem like a death wish, but for me, this is deep meditation. Each to their own method of self- inquiry.

Tell us about your newest project, Eat Thrive Yoga! How did it come about?

Eat Thrive Yoga came from a deep passion to provide a step-by-step method for transitioning to a plant-based diet. I have been plant-based for eight years and have witnessed the true benefits of eating high-potency nutritionally-dense foods to optimize body performance, neuroplasticity, and spiritual awakening. Now, with Eat Thrive Yoga, I have the opportunity to provide personalized meal plans, meditations, and movement practices to help friends, family and followers worldwide.

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If you could share 5 tips for how to bring yoga off the mat and into everyday life—what we call studio-to-street—what would they be?

Practice daily. For some that may mean moving your body before work or after a long day, and for others it may mean deepening your awareness of breath in times of stress or diving into the stillness of the mind through meditation. All of this is yoga.

Start a practice of daily gratitude. Give thanks for what you have so that you can be open to what you will receive.

Take the time to give back. Teach yoga at your local YMCA, at your work, to your high school basketball team—whatever it is, find a way to tap into the community that you serve and that serves you.

Tap into nature. Allow yourself the opportunity to be in nature at least three times per week. Taking a walk, going to the park, observing the waves at the beach or going on a moonlit hike are all great ways to more deeply understand our inherent connection with all conscious beings.

Play! See what it feels like to allow joy into your life on a daily basis. This could mean playing with your dog, joining a pickup soccer game, dancing to your favorite music, hanging out with friends... step outside of your comfort zone.

Sealy's Signature Pancakes

Makes 12 - 16 pancakes

1 cup of “ @ItsWholesome High Protein Pancake Mix”
1 cup coconut milk
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
½ cup applesauce
¼ cup warm water
Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and/or turmeric to taste
Finish with your choice of maple syrup and fresh berries or vegan chocolate chips

1. Heat your skillet or non-stick pan to medium-high heat & lightly grease with coconut oil. You’ll know it's the perfect temperature when a few sprinkles of water dance and disappear.

2. Put all the ingredients in a large bowl and whisk until blended smoothly. Batter should be thick, but completely moistened.

3. Spread batter to a 3” circle on the pan and wait until the edges are golden brown and bubbles are visible at the center of the cake. Flip with a spatula and repeat.

4. For added pizzazz, warm berries and maple syrup and pour the warm goodness over your hot fluffy cakes.

5. Share with friends!