Try These Mindfulness Videos For Kids—They're Free!

How to Get Started

1. Start by picking a program

The programs are designed to teach kids how to quiet their minds, find calm when challenged, mute negativity, gain focus & learn more easily.

2. Choose a video

Each program contains themed of videos that can be played in any order you like or in the order provided, starting with the first.

3. Get the kids ready and press play

Kids can do these videos deskside or on a communal rug. Play these videos anytime you want to see a shift in focus in your classroom.

4. Watch the kids change

When kids move or meditate their whole mindset changes for the better, both immediately and over time as they gain mindfulness skills!

Special thanks to our partner, Scholastic, for connecting us to schools and classrooms!

Démarrez la pleine conscience avec l’une de ces vidéos


Sauce Yoga Entrecroisée

Yoga 5 minutes

Retrouvez flexibilité et stabilité en travaillant les deux côtés du corps



Pleine conscience 1 min

Un simple exercice de respiration pour aider les enfants à ralentir et à se débarrasser du stress


Vert Jaune Rouge

Pleine conscience 6 min

Les enfants apprennent à réagir au lieu de réagir dans cet exercice de visualisation

Choisissez un programme et appuyez sur Play !

S'installer après la récréation

6 vidéos

La réinitialisation parfaite Reprenez l’apprentissage avec un corps et un esprit plus calmes

Être concentré

6 vidéos

Apprenez à trouver la libération et à attirer l'attention sur le moment présent

Yoga relaxant

6 vidéos

Trouvez un peu de zen grâce au mouvement créatif et aux flux inspirés de la nature

Moments du matin

6 vidéos

Commencez leur journée du bon pied avec un mouvement conscient

Recentrée après le déjeuner

5 vidéos

Recentrer leur attention et se préparer pour l’après-midi

SEL de l'après-midi

6 vidéos

Centrez-les et préparez-les pour la suite

Yoga pour un apprentissage en toute confiance

6 vidéos

Boostez votre concentration et votre confiance ! Les enfants pratiquent des postures de puissance et écoutent leur voix intérieure

Yoga animalier

6 vidéos

Les enfants bougent comme leurs animaux préférés pour trouver liberté et force

About Alo Gives

Alo Yoga’s nonprofit Alo Gives is dedicated to bringing movement and mindfulness to kids of all ages—this is Alo’s mission, our reason for being, to bring yoga to the world.

What is Alo Gives?

Free, Scholastic-approved videos designed to be used in classrooms or at home to help introduce kids to the skills necessary to calm their minds and bodies, mute negativity and promote learning. You’ll find fun, inspiring yoga and mindfulness programs containing 5-minute videos as well as creative, thought-provoking printable worksheets.

Who is Alo Gives for?

Giving children of any age the skills to move and breathe helps them learn to confront challenge, amplify the positive, and be present, calm and clear-headed and in the midst of challenge, fear or frustration.

What are the benefits of using Alo Gives?

These are powerful life-altering skills, which is why we are so passionate about sharing them with the leaders of tomorrow. Feel free to start at the beginning of a program and work through it or pick any video that’s inspiring in the moment. We can’t wait to move and meditate with you!


A little bit of mindfulness goes a long way – just ask an educator. Here’s what teachers (and kids!) had to say about the impact of Alo Gives in their classrooms.

  • “This program has really changed the way my students interact with each other and those around them.”
  • “Yoga is a great tool to help students relieve stress and be relaxed.”
  • “Kids need to do well in heart, body and mind before learning can begin. Thank you for sharing these!”
  • “I like the ease of the program’s use…you can really fit the lesson into your instructional time.”
  • “I know once I begin using it, it will help my students focus and learn calming techniques.”

Share Alo Gives

How old were you when you first did yoga or meditated? Let’s work together to bring these life-changing skills to kids, and lower the age when they are introduced to movement and mindfulness? Tell the teachers you know that they can use these free, 5-minute, Scholastic-approved, videos in their classes. Parents and caregivers can play them with kids of all ages at home too!

How to Share

1. Post to tell teachers & parents about videos.

2. Instagram the age when you first did yoga (by writing it on your hand) and to tell people about and get kids practicing. Add #alogives so we can all join together!